Tuesday 27 September 2011

Strava Cycling Android App

Having bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 Android phone last week (An upgrade from a T-Mobile G1) I have been spending a considerable amount of time playing with the large amount of apps and games available. I think the best one I have found thus far is the Strava Cycling App. I have only a limited experience with it but during the time I have used it I have been surprised by the features available and how well it works.

The app itself is very simple
Strava is a simple app that records the details of your ride (or indeed run). Simply sign up for a Strava account, turn GPS on, wait for the app to gain a stable GPS signal (Tip: Stand outside!) and press play and away you go. I did a quick 10 miles with the device in my pocket and returned to find Strava had accurately recorded my route, the distance, average speed, ride time and the elevation gain. I checked these figures against the cycle computer I have and they were identical.

This doesn't sound like anything special but this is not where Strava truly shines. Log onto the Strava website and you will find your ride data waiting for you. Enter your weight and the weight of your bike and it will calculate your average power and energy output. In addition to this you can view other riders that have cycled your route or tackled the same climb and it will rank you against the others and winners of each are awarded with achievements.  I personally am looking forward to cycling the surrounding hills again to see how I fair against other riders.

The Strava app is available for Android, iPhone and Garmin GPS devices and I would recommend it for anyone who cycles. There is even a section on there for commuters.  If the Strava community expands it could be amazing. You will see me using it via the widget on this site, I can't wait to get back out and cycle.  If only my dodgy knee would stop giving me grief...