Friday 25 November 2011

Skyward Sword Shows How Awesome the Zelda Series is

I have only finished the first two temples in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword but it doesn't take anywhere near that length of playtime to realise that this is a special game.  First of all the game is gorgeous to look at.  I know its on the Wii but the manner in which the game is presented is amazing.  I recently finished Xenoblade Chronicles and I thought that had pushed the limit on the graphics for the Wii, but Skyward Sword tops it in every way.

The whole game looks like an impressionist painting
The motion controls in Skyward Sword are the best I've encountered in any game.  The one to one motion tracking makes every sword swing feel realistic and even routine sword fights that were tedious button bashing affairs in previous games now require thought to break through an enemies defense. Wildly swinging will rarely result in you not getting hit at least once (unless you are up against small fry)

The story is usual Zelda fare.  Zelda goes missing early on in the game and it is your task to find her. Cue the field exploration (this time set in the sky as opposed to the sea or a field) and temples (each with a new gadget and an end boss).  Although this sounds very familiar the control scheme and the artistic graphics always make it feel fresh.

The music is one thing I haven't really noticed as yet.  Music has always been a strong part of the Zelda series.  I have heard the Harp instrument in Skyward Sword is disappointing but I have yet to encounter this yet.  I came across this fan made Zelda tribute album today which gave me a bit of a nostalgia trip, especially this song.

There is so much of this game I have not played and I think it could be the best game I have played for quite some time (and I play alot of games). I seriously I have loads of University work to do, but Skyward Sword is calling me... 

Thursday 6 October 2011

South Park S15E08 - Ass Burgers

The last episode of South Park ended on a bit of a depressing note, with Stan discovering everything is "shitty", his Parents splitting up and the overbearing message "We can't be bothered anymore".  This left many, including me, wondering if South Park is finished.  I think this episode answered that question and was also the funniest episode of the series to boot.

The episode continues on from the last with Stan waking up seeing and hearing everything as "shit".  There are plenty of sly digs in this part including one about Terra Nova "Jurassic Park and Lost in THE SAME TV SHOW".  Following a day at school and a counselling session with Mr. Mackie ("Don't be such a Debbie Downer").  Stan is diagnosed with Aspergers and is sent to a special treatment facility where he is given a special serum (or whiskey to you and me) to send him back to the "happy world he once lived in".

Have problems with social interaction? You need this special serum.

Meanwhile, Cartman cannot believe there is a disease called "Ass Burgers" and decides to play a trick on the school nurse by creating some ass burgers of his own. Unwittingly he creates the greatest tasting burgers available but cannot divulge his secret ingredient.

Cartman's secret recipe burgers become an instant success and soon the fast food giants (KFC, Pizza Hut etc.) gather together to figure out what Cartman's secret ingredient is.  This scene is classic South Park not the most highbrow of humour but hilarious nonetheless.
"He's taking all the flavours from our food into some sort of 'gas'
and infusing them into his burgers."

The episode comes to a head in typical South Park fashion with the fast food corporations and Stan's 'friends' at the Asperger's clinic having a shootout outside Cartman burger. Stan subsequently learns to accept that things change and he doesn't want things to go back they were before. It is not long before everything is back to normal however with Stan's parents getting back together and Cartman Burger shutting down when everyone realises he was literally making ass burgers.

By the end of the episode everything is back to the way it has always been, with the possible exception of Stan requiring a regular doe of whiskey to get him through the day.  I think this is a clear message to those who were worried for the series after the last episode that South Park isn't stopping just yet.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Strava Cycling Android App

Having bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 Android phone last week (An upgrade from a T-Mobile G1) I have been spending a considerable amount of time playing with the large amount of apps and games available. I think the best one I have found thus far is the Strava Cycling App. I have only a limited experience with it but during the time I have used it I have been surprised by the features available and how well it works.

The app itself is very simple
Strava is a simple app that records the details of your ride (or indeed run). Simply sign up for a Strava account, turn GPS on, wait for the app to gain a stable GPS signal (Tip: Stand outside!) and press play and away you go. I did a quick 10 miles with the device in my pocket and returned to find Strava had accurately recorded my route, the distance, average speed, ride time and the elevation gain. I checked these figures against the cycle computer I have and they were identical.

This doesn't sound like anything special but this is not where Strava truly shines. Log onto the Strava website and you will find your ride data waiting for you. Enter your weight and the weight of your bike and it will calculate your average power and energy output. In addition to this you can view other riders that have cycled your route or tackled the same climb and it will rank you against the others and winners of each are awarded with achievements.  I personally am looking forward to cycling the surrounding hills again to see how I fair against other riders.

The Strava app is available for Android, iPhone and Garmin GPS devices and I would recommend it for anyone who cycles. There is even a section on there for commuters.  If the Strava community expands it could be amazing. You will see me using it via the widget on this site, I can't wait to get back out and cycle.  If only my dodgy knee would stop giving me grief...